
General description

The ACS Invoicing system has an API connection option, so you can automatically create invoices and customers. The ACS invoicing system can be connected to any webshop via API.

The system uses a REST API service for communication, which gives the developer the opportunity to query, create and modify data. You can use these data and endpoints to develop your own system.

We provide a test environment for development. You can freely use the test environment to test your development.

The list of API calls and the parameters of each endpoint can be found here:

The endpoints, their associated parameters and a correct answer can be viewed in detail in the documentation.


Authentication can be set in the upper right corner of the documentation, so that correct data can actually be retrieved from the test environment.

Test environment endpoint:


  • The database of the test environment is synchronized with the live system at certain intervals, so in the test environment, please always check the call parameters.
  • Real invoices and real customers are not created in the test environment.



To obtain tokens (authentication key), the user account / business must have a live subscription!

Queries require a unique auth token (OAuth 2.0 authentication). You can request this token from us by email: [email protected]

Each token is unique, different for each user and development environment. You cannot use the same authentication key in a test environment and a live system.

The authentication key can be passed as a GET parameter after the endpoint to be called.



The system answers all queries in JSON format. The response contains the "status" and "result" values.

In the event of an error, the status value is "error", and the nature and text description of the error can be found in the result field.
There are examples of all correct answers in the documentation:




General queries

With the general queries, the units/data in the system can be retrieved, which can be used for invoicing or for the customer.



GET query

Query of server time.


GET query

Returns the languages used in the system with identifiers.


GET query

Returns the countries in the system with identifier and country code.

Payment Methods

GET query

It returns the payment methods used in the system and the payment methods added by the user.


GET query

Returns the currencies used in the system.


GET query

Returns the units used in the system.


GET query

Returns the VAT tax groups used in the system.

Invoicing queries

Query of Invoice list

GET query

With this query, we can retrieve the invoices stored in the system. The query uses a built-in pager, so pay attention to the query parameters. In the query, the query can be filtered from date to date and sorted.

Creating Invoices (bulk)

POST query

With this query, we can create invoices in bulk. The invoices must be submitted in the specified format. The system reports any missing data in the form of an error message (in this case, if cannot be created).

Invoice query

GET query

With this query, we can retrieve the data of an Invoice. The query URL must include the account ID.

Create an Invioce

POST query

With this query we can create an invoice. The invoice must be submitted in the specified format. The system reports any missing data in the form of an error message (in this case, if cannot be created).

Invoice payment creation

POST query

With this query, we can update the payment method and payment data of an invoice. The query URL must include the account ID.


Customer queries

Query of Customer List

GET query

With this query, we can retrieve customers stored in the system. The query uses a built-in pager, so pay attention to the query parameters.

Customer query

GET query

With this query, we can retrieve the data of one of our customers. The query URL must include the customer ID.

Edit Customer

PUT query

With this query, we can modify the data of a customer. The query URL must include the customer ID.

Customer creation

POST query

With this query, we can create a new customer in the system. After creation, the customer created in the system is returned in the query response.

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